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IT tips, Office tips, invoicefetcher® prodcut news
"Wachstumschancengesetz" adopted:
Germany on the way to E-InvoicingNews The "Wachstumschancengesetz" was passed today, on March 22, 2024, by the Bundesrat. An important change concerns the Value Added Tax Act and the redefinition of the B2B invoice towards a structured dataset. The paper invoice will be abolished regardless of transition periods. Invoices in the ZUGFeRD formats (PDF A + XML in the attachment from version 2.0.1) and XRechnung meet the new VAT requirements according to Directive 2014/55/EU of April 16, 2014.
The transmission path of the invoices remains unchanged for the time being. After long discussions and planning uncertainties, the time has finally come. The future of digitization, also in Germany, is imminent. For customers of invoicefetcher®, everything remains as usual, only better. [...]

invoicefetcher® at the Stb EXPO in Munich
Experience the future of accounting togetherEvent It is with great excitement that we announce that invoicefetcher® will be participating at the Stb EXPO in Munich (Bavaria). The doors will open on March 19, 2024! We can't wait to meet both new and familiar faces and to present our solution for smooth digital and fully automated invoice processing to the many visitors. [...]

8. Cloud Unternehmertag
Wir zeigen am Mittwoch, den 15. Januar 2020 in Bonn wie Automation im Rechnungseingang und Rechnungsausgang praktisch funktioniert und Zeit spart.Event Das neue Jahrzehnt ist noch frisch und schon geht es mit der ersten Veranstaltung los. Kommen Sie vorbei und besuchen Sie uns. Der 8. Cloud Unternehmertag liefert Ideen, präsentiert Tools und bietet die perfekte Gelegenheit, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Gemeinsam mit dem Veranstalter, der Scopevisio AG, laden wir Sie herzlich ein zum 8. Cloud Unternehmertag ein. Erleben Sie Keynotes und Kurzvorträge rund um das Thema Automation am Beispiel konkreter Anwendungsfälle für einzelne Branchen wie Handwerk, Hotellerie, Handel und Anwaltskanzleien. Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei. Die Anzahl der Plätze ist begrenzt. Bitte melden Sie sich unter an. Hier finden Sie auch weitere Informationen sowie das Programm zur Veranstaltung.

German post office Deutsche Post AG plans to increase prices for postage again
News The German post office Deutsche Post AG plans to make postage more expensive. If it was for the company to decide, prices for postage would go up to 85 or 90 cents per letter. Apparently, representatives of the parcel service (Bundeswirtschaftsministerium) are trying to alter postage regulations in the German ministry for economy. According to these changes, the prices for postage will not increase as planned in April, but in the summer of 2019. Prices will then, however, be higher then expected. At first, the responsible sub-department in the German ministry for economy (Bundesnetzagentur) allowed the German post office to increase postage by 4.8 per cent. Now, however, the ministry increased the allowed return on sales for the German post office Deutsche Post AG noticeably. As a consequence, the European standard of comparison, which had been used until now, is going to be altered in favour of the German post office. The latter justifies the increase in postage prices with the decreasing amount of letters sent due to digitalisation. The last postage increase was issued in 2016. The prices increased from then 62 cents to 70 cents per letter. [...]

05.06.2018 Berlin, GermanyEvent Meet us at this year's HEUREKA conference in Berlin. Let us talk about digitalisation and the daily receipts-madness. More information and tickets for the event can be found here. We can also arrange a meeting, just write us a message via our contact form.

Scale11 @ Cebit 2018
11.06.2018 - 15.06.2018 Hannover, GermanyEvent Meet us at this year's CEBIT in Hannover. Let us talk about digitalisation and the daily receipts-madness. More information and tickets for the event can be found here. We can also arrange a meeting, just write us a message via our contact form.

Axel Springer NOAH Conference Berlin 2017
22.06.2017 - 23.06.2017 Berlin, DeutschlandEvent Meet us at this year's NOAH conference in Berlin. Let us talk about digitalisation and the daily receipts-madness. More information and tickets for the event can be found here. We can also arrange a meeting, just write us a message via our contact form.

20.06.2017 Berlin, DeutschlandEvent Meet us at this year's HEUREKA conference in Berlin. Let us talk about digitalisation and the daily receipts-madness. More information and tickets for the event can be found here. We can also arrange a meeting, just write us a message via our contact form.

invoicefetcher® and onBill announce cooperation
News An important handshake between Toni Klätke, CEO of onBill, and Phillip Strauch, managing director of invoicefetcher, has started a great cooperation between the two Berlin start-ups at the Cebit. The new cloud service provider invoicefetcher® and onBill, an invoice software provider, will be cooperating in the future - a collaboration which will optimise and bring forward the working mechanisms of digital bookkeeping. [...]
Licence fee for citizens
News As recently announced by the GEZ, invoices addressed to customers liable to pay will no longer be sent by mail. From an ecological standpoint, this is surely something that can be appreciated. It is also a further step into the digital era. [...]
Perfect launch for invoicefetcher at the Cebit
News It could not have gone any better for the invoicefetcher team at the Cebit! The doors of the Cebit had just opened when founder, owner and managing director Phillip Strauch announced the launch of invoicefetcher. From this moment on, the invoicefetcher stand was constantly surrounded by interested private customers and representatives of big international companies who tested the demo version of the cloud software, asked for information, tried out the test access and examined the functioning. Companies praised the idea, freelancers were happy that they had eventually found a solution for their bookkeeping problems. [...]

Scale11 @ Cebit 2017
20.03.2017 - 24.03.2017 Hannover, DeutschlandEvent Phillip Strauch, founder and managing director of the start-up invoicefetcher® announced the market launch of his company on the first day of the Cebit in Hannover. The brilliant market launch has shown that the idea behind invoicefetcher is absolutely sellable and that there is a need for it, be it for private customers, freelancers or companies.
Beta phase has started
Done: invoicefetcher is online!News In the last days, our team has been working particularly hard in order to get everything done before the Cebit. And now, with a test account, everyone can access and try out the simple and genius service provided by invoicefetcher. [...]
Professional back-ups for your computer for free
News Computer users, be it a private or a work computer, should save their data regularly with professional tools. If possible, store the back-up in a safe location, e.g. family members, business partners or bank vault. [...]